About an hour into the ride I came across a roadside stand where a nice Swiss woman was selling homemade cake and coffee. I stopped for a piece of appflekuchen and coffee. I couldn't resist!

My gluttony then took a break, and a detour for a tire repair. I had a flat, fixed it after some difficulty then found that my only other tube had a tear at the valve. Luckily I managed to get a nice German fellow and his wife to drive me to a bike shop in Germany (just over the Rhine) where I purchased a new tube, then was rolling through the German countryside back to Switzerland and Schaffenhausen.
Just as I was thinking of the bratwurst, and regretting that I had not indulged in a second one, I came across a fair in a small German town (Lauchringen) with a booth selling Haxen mit Bier vom Fass - translation: a slow cooked bbq pork shank (apparently a local specialty) and local beer. Naturally I couldn't resist. It was outstanding. A crowning culinary experience.
I then, believe it or not, pedalled the last 35 km to Schaffenhausen, yet another lovely swiss town. This is the view from my chair as I enjoy a kaffee mit milch (lower right corner) in the warmth of the setting sun.
All in all, a copious day.
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